Converting PPT to PDF
It is very easy to convert a PPT to PDF, there are many programs that can do it. But the best program to use in converting a PowerPoint file to PDF is PDF. PDF Beaver a family of programs designed to view, create, manipulate and manage files in PDF. PDF Beaver is a free trial version which you can use for a period of time. To convert PPT to PDF you need to run Adobe acrobat. Go through the PDF , click "File" in the menu bar and in the drop down list that appears choose "Create PDF" and then select "From File". A selection box will pop up allowing you to get into the folder that contains the PowerPoint file you want to convert. select your PPT file and click the "Open" button. PDF Beaver will immediately start converting your file after you click the "Open" button. The amount of time it will take to convert a PPT file will depend on the number of slides in it. Depending on your computer's speed and the contents of each slide, it...